
All music students are expected to participate 100% in Music Class. There will be bellwork assignments, group performance assignments, individual playing performance assignments, class performance and online music assignments given each week in class. Students will receive a S for Satisfactory if he or she completes 100%-80% of the assignments given in class. Students who complete 79%-65% of the music assignments given will receive NI for Needs Improvement and students completing less than 65% of music assignments will receive a U for Unsatisfactory. All music students have already received a music tablet and each week points will be given to each student. Parents are expected to sign the tablet verifying that the student is showing that he or she completes their music assignments weekly. A rubric will be used to determine each grade. This year, selected grades will perform on the instrument called the recorder. If your child receives a recorder and book, please make sure that he or she plays the instrument everyday for at least 15 minutes. Music students chosen will play at various events during the 2015-2016 school year. Added points will be given for students participating during special events.

All music students understand how our music class will operate everyday. Students that choose not to follow directions will note their unwanted behavior in a discipline tablet and then will write how he or she will correct their behavior. After several times of the same unwanted behavior, students will loose enrichment times. If the unwanted behavior continues, student will be referred to the TOR room and/or Principal Steib. (Parent or Guardian, ask your child or children did they write their unwanted behavior in the discipline tablet today)

All music students will be rewarded when their class is respectful and continues to follow music procedures daily! Rewards may include cougar cash, field trips, extra group performance time or Talent Show during class.